Extensive Genetic & Biological research has failed to produce a 'gay or homosexual gene.' In spite of the clamor to the contrary, 21st century science has proven that homosexuality is no more a birth trait than pedophilia or beastiality. This blog will examine what science's findings have to say about the complex issue of human sexuality.

Posts tagged ‘natural selction’

What Darwinian Evolution says about Homosexuality


Charles Darwin’s findings and subsequent evolutionary theory has become widely accepted in biology. One of Darwin’s principal, overarching themes throughout his work is the concept of natural selection. Oxford dictionary defines natural selection as

“the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring.”

One of the key components of natural selection is the idea that genetic mutations which tend toward survival and reproduction are selected, while genes that inhibit survival and reproduction will be eradicated from any species. In other words, if there had been a ‘gay (non-reproductive) gene’ at some point in the history of the human race, it would have been stamped out of the gene pool by natural selection. Such a gene would not only hinder, but explicitly prohibit reproduction & subsequent continuation of the species.